Currency Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and consists of "Currency Regulation and Currency Control» Act of RK № 57-III dated 13.06.2005.) and other legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and normative legal acts of currency regulation authorities, the major of which are:
Rules on foreign exchange operations in the Republic of Kazakhstan (approved by Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of RK № 129 dated 11.12.2006.)
Rules of export and import currency control in Kazakhstan (approved by Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of RK № 86 dated 17.08.2006.).
In accordance with the above legislation, JSC "Shinhan Bank Kazakhstan" serves as the agent of Currency control and monitors compliance with the requirements of currency legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to conduct transactions, including on behalf of customers. Authorized employees of the Bank provides customers with all the necessary services on currency regulation and currency control, namely:
Consultation of customers on drafting foreign trade contracts in terms of compliance with currency legislation;
Recommendations on use of various forms of international payments in foreign trade transactions;
Consultation of customers on currency legislation at at any stage of transaction, including structuring of complex and non-standard contracts.